
Ebola: What to do?

Ebola virus is a RNA virus. Its infection is very fatal as the mortality rate is very high. Therefore it is very important to learn more about this virus. Genekam Biotechnology AG has written this EBook to highlight some of the facts about this deadly virus. This is called ‚Ebola: what to do?‘ It may be useful for common people as well as professional persons like health care workers, physicians, microbiologists, public health workers etc. They should read this book to understand many aspects quickly to react even in emergency. This book is an attempt to make the people to understand with better ways about Ebola virus and its strains along with how the Ebola viruses are transmitted from host to another host or animals to human beings. What are the possible ways of transmission as it is essential to understand such transmission ways in order stop spreading of the Ebola around the world. These are views of the author how to prepare in a better way to contain such viral diseases like Ebola? How can the Governments work effectively to tackle and control Ebola viruses? There are needs of better coordination of actions between the world organizations working to handle the Ebola viruses in different countries. This book is written in 2014, hence it tries to highlight the problems faced during this crisis. It covers the different aspects like viral structure, transmission, diagnostic, therapeutic choice and vaccine.

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