Influenza A is being detected through the methods available in the literature as well as through commercial kits available on the market in many reference laboratories worldwide. We wrote many times that these kits do not detect the influenza A group properly. Not only this, we published the research of this fact. Now a new strain of avian influenza H5N1 virus is infecting the cattle, particularly along with other pets in the USA, and this strain is also infecting human beings, including children. Regretfully, this strain cannot be detected with the methods quoted at the beginning of this message. Therefore we have developed a new test of influenza A, which is in a position to detect this strain of cattle from the USA. It means that the user has to use more than one test to detect the influenza A virus in the future. One test, which includes the avian influenza H5N1 virus (cattle – USA), and another influenza A kit, which covers the old strain of avian influenza H5N1 virus. Both Genekam kits are also covering other influenza strains also like H1N1, H3N2, H7N1, H9N2, and so on. If the user is running the tests from literature as well as from commercial companies, they must know this fact: their tests may not be in the position to detect the avian influenza H5N1 virus (cattle-USA) with pandemic potential.
The digital PCR may not be of any help here provided the tests are developed properly.
Genekam ready-to-use PCR kits for influenza A virus includes components including mastermix, primers and probes, and positive and negative controls. User needs to add 2 µl into 18 µl, which is equal to 20 µl. This kit may be used with pooled samples.
The Genekam kits can help to detect the positive samples for further investigation. In this way, one can monitor the virus quickly in a population.