Bacterial toxins

Cat. No.

Name of ready to use PCR kitStorage


K137E. coli Verotoxin 1 (VT1)-20°C100ask
K138E. coli Verotoxin 2 (VT2)-20°C100ask
K139E. coli Verotoxin 2e (VT2e)-20°C100ask
K140E. coli attaching and effacing mechanisms (eaeA)-20°C100ask
K141E. coli cytotoxic necrotizing factors 1 (CNF1)-20°C100ask
K142E. coli cytotoxic necrotizing factors 2 (CNF2)-20°C100ask
K143E. coli heat-labile toxin 1 (LTI)-20°C100ask
K144E. coli heat-stable toxin 1 (STI)-20°C100ask
K145E. coli heat-stable toxin 2 (STII)-20°C100ask
K146E. coli entrooinvasive mechanisms (Einv)-20°C100ask
K147E. coli entrooinvasive mechanisms (Einv)-20°C100ask

All our PCR Kits contain primers, +ve control, negative control, nucleotide, buffers, loading dye and molecular marker (in case of RNA kit: it contains RNA to cDNA chemicals reverse-transcriptase, ribonuclease inhibitor, dNTP etc.). You have to add your DNA or RNA template to them. Our kits can be used with any good-quality thermocycler availale on the market. Our kits expire after 1 year, if they are stored at -20°C. All of our products are made in our laboratory in Germany. We can give you the certificate of German origin, as some countries may need this certificate.

* only for research use.