Genekam tissue storage solution (GTSS) 200 ml

Genekam tissue storage solution (GTSS): A simple long term storage solution for human tissues as continuous source of DNA / RNA for PCR analysis

Our sale forces were visiting departments of pathology and histology. They were coming always with one question: how can one store the human tissue at room temperature to act a long-term source of DNA and RNA for conducting various studies with PCR test. These studies may be for the detection of pathogens as well as genetic markers from the stored tissue. At present, these departments and biobanks do not have adequate solution for storage of human tissue for long term at room temperature. The solutions available on market are only for 1 or 2 days along with storing the tissues in freezer and using liquid nitrogen, which are very cumbersome. Formalin is not the right choice as this is well known fact. Therefore, Genekam has developed a solution, which is very effective and economical also. It is called Genekam tissue storage solution (GTSS) as we have used this solution to store various tissues and published our work as preprint. This solution is working with our mini column DNA or RNA isolation kits as well as magnetic beads isolation for last many years. It should also work with the other DNA / RNA isolations kits available on the market. Quantity needed per tissue depends on size and weight of the tissue. 5 ml is sufficient for 1 to 2 gm of tissue. 50-100 µl per sample is sufficient to isolate the nucleic acid and it give around 50 µg / ml DNA or 40 µg / ml RNA per each isolation, but the yield of isolated nucleic acid may vary depending upon the kind of tissue. It means that one can isolate 50 to 100 times from one storage of 5 ml over many years. It is also possible that one can add more GTSS to remaining tissue, once the supernatant was used. In our laboratory, we are using this solution for last many years to store the tissues and isolate DNA / RNA with Genekam mini column isolation as well as magnetic beads isolation kits with very good results. GTSS is a transparent solution. It is shipped at room temperature and stored at room temperature. This can be used to collect the tissue samples from distance areas and shipped to laboratory for molecular biological analysis at room temperature.
Cat. No.Name of ready to use PCR kitDOCAmountPrice*
SB0246Genekam tissue storage solution (GTSS) 200 ml

200 ml
